Golf Club


The Match Play Championship is a knockout competition that runs from April until October.

Before entering please note

If both players agree, a match can be played on weekday-evenings or weekends but each player should be flexible for either. Therefore, out of respect for your opponent we would like to ask you to not impose matches which are weekend only or week-day only after 17h. Please contact your opponent at the very start of the allotted time (both players’ responsibility) and be flexible/tolerant/courteous to your opponent’s constraints


  1. The matchplay is open to all members of the CGC with handicaps less than 30
  2. Each player must have a licence from the FFG or the ASG. Participants will compete for the CGC Match Play Trophy.
  3. Players that lose in the first round enter the Match Play Plate.
  4. There will be one series for both men and women,
  5. The maximum playing handicap granted being 24 for men and 28 for women.

Matches will be played with 3/4 of the difference of the playing handicaps, match-play. Any player found guilty of competing with a false handicap will be disqualified.

Each playing handicap = (slope/113)*index + (course rating – par).

This can also be calcuated here, FFG Calcul du handicap de jeu

Example: Player A has an index of 24.1 and is playing, at Maison Blanche, Player B who has an index of 11.6. The slope at Maison Blanche off the yellow tees is 136. The course rating for MB is 70.5 and par is 72

  • Player A: playing handicap = (136/113)*24.1 + (70.5 – 72)= 27.5 –> 24 (maximum allowed)
  • Player B: playing handicap = (136/113)*11.6 + (70.5 – 72) = 12.46 = 12

The difference = 24 -12 = 12. Therefore player B gives player A 3/4 * 12 = 9.0 = 9 shots.

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