Golf Club
General Information
The rules of play during CGC competitions will be those as set out by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews.
Local Rules of the respective course must be observed at all times. However CERN Golf Club Local rules take precedence.
For the results of all CGC stableford competitions a maximum playing handicap of 36 will apply.
The rules of play during CGC competitions will be those as set out by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews.
Rule Changes 2023
- No penalties for failing to put handicaps on the scorecard
- You can replace a club if it gets damaged during your round
- You can replace a ball moved by natural forces
- Back-on-the-line relief made simpler
- You can’t replay your stroke if your ball hits an insect on the green
- Stableford penalties simplified
- You can’t stand behind your partner to gain information about your side’s next stroke
- See todays-golfer for more details

Matchplay Rules
The Match Play Championship, open to CGC members with handicaps less than 30 and a license from FFG or ASG, features one series for men and women. Maximum playing handicaps are 24 for men and 28 for women. Matches must adhere to allotted dates, drawn by the committee in April. The first round’s venue is chosen by the first player drawn, while subsequent rounds favor the previous round’s qualifier. The final is played at a neutral venue. Participants must agree on match dates, and the player with venue choice is responsible for booking tee-off. In case of a bye, a coin toss determines home advantage.
CGC Specific Rules
The following Local Rules shall apply to all competitions played on any golf course by the CERN Golf Club. They shall be applied in addition to the Local Rules specified at the course and in some cases may actually override a course Local Rule.
- Old Local Rule – Rule 25-2 (embedded ball) is extended, and relief is available without penalty through the green * This Local Rule is no longer required because the new Rule 16-3a provides free relief for an embedded ball in the general area
- The general area is the new term for what used to be known as through the green
- Old Local Rule – Stones in bunkers are movable obstructions and Rule 24-1 shall apply Under the New Rules, this Local Rule is not permitted. The new Rule 12.2a allows a player to touch or remove any loose impediment, including stones, in a bunker or penalty area. However don’t forget! If the ball should move when you touch or move a loose impediment anywhere on the course, except on the putting green, you must replace the ball and add a penalty stroke.
- Old Local Rule – Distance-Measuring Devices: The use of devices (range-finders, GPS) which measure distance only is permitted. This Local Rule is no longer required since the new Rule 4.3 permits the use of DMDs, but still with the proviso that they measure only distance.
- Old Local Rule modified Rules 18-2, 18-3 and 20-1 so that any accidental movement of a ball on the putting green did not incur a penalty and the ball was to be replaced. This Local Rule is no longer required since the situation is covered by the new Rule 13.1d. There is no penalty when the player accidentally causes the ball to move on the putting green.
- All players shall walk. In exceptional circumstances, and preferably with the justification of a doctor’s certificate, a player may use a buggy. This is permitted on the understanding that the player may not receive a prize (other than for longest drive or nearest the pin). The player’s scorecard will, however, be accepted for handicap adjustment.
- In the event of a match play ending all-square after 18 holes, the players should continue the match from the hole where the match began and handicap strokes are allowed as in the normal round.
- Pace of Play: Players must respect the pace of play times printed on the scorecard. It is a group’s responsibility to keep up with the group in front. If it loses a clear hole and it is delaying the group behind, it should invite the group behind to play through irrespective of the number of players in that group. Important definition changes:
- Old definition : “Through the green” is the whole area of the course except: the teeing ground and putting green of the hole being played: and all hazards on the course. New definition : The “general area” is the whole area of the course except for the teeing area and putting green of the hole being played, all penalty areas and all bunkers .
- Old definitions : Water Hazards and Lateral Water Hazards New definitions : Yellow Penalty Areas and Red Penalty Areas